Are you raising a kid who makes you feel Anxious…Exhausted…Alone…Frustrated…Overwhelmed…Embarrassed…At the end of your rope…Like you're a bad parent?

An orchid requires special care and in the right conditions, grows to become a flower of phenomenal beauty.
And whether or not you have a professional diagnosis for your child, you may be sensing that something's just not quite right. If so, we want you to know . . .
You’re not alone. We're here to help!

What's an "Orchid Kid"?
An "Orchid Kid" is a child who:
- Is highly sensitive to feelings, senses, and environments
- Struggles with managing big feelings
- Is often extremely shy or volatile and dramatic
- Doesn’t respond well to new or difficult situations
- May be highly sensitive, with developmental, behavioral, or learning differences from their typically developing peers
- Requires special care, just like an orchid
What we offer...
Unlimited 24-7 access to online video classes and articles written by professionals and parents.
Connection and understanding with parents who also are raising Orchid Kids and are ready to share perspective and support.
You will immediately feel a sense of relief, support, and community being surrounded by parents in the same boat.
Practical and effective tools to help you anticipate challenging behaviors so that both you and your child will feel less anxious.
Parenting a child with developmental, behavioral, and/or learning challenges can be incredibly difficult.
In addition to all the “regular” challenges (bedtimes, schedules, potty training, discipline, tantrums, school), parents of highly sensitive children generate a whole other list of concerns:
- Why is my Orchid so sensitive and hard to parent?
- What can I do to change my Orchid’s challenging behaviors?
- What therapies does my Orchid need?
- How do I take care of myself and other family members when my Orchid consumes so much of my time and energy?
- How do I nurture my Orchid while also encouraging and motivating her/him to be their best self?
We'll help you:
- Understand what triggers your child’s difficult behaviors
- Encourage and empower your child to learn new skills.
- Support your child’s independence and sense of competence.
- Plan for success.
- Troubleshoot difficult situations.
- Find community with other parents who truly understand the unique challenges facing Orchid parents.
Our quarterly classes and ongoing membership ensure that you’ll receive the resources and support you need to show up as the best parent of your Orchid kid.