On Thursday, June 1st from 12-1pm Eastern, we’re getting together to talk about how to leverage the summer schedule for some Executive Functioning Skill-Building. Because Orchids often need a break, while also needing structure, summer is the perfect time to work in some skill building while also having fun. In this workshop, we’ll talk about:
- What executive functioning (EF) skills are and why they’re critical to success.
- Why summer is the perfect time to work on EF skills.
- How to create summer executive functioning goals that feel manageable and doable.
For $24.99 you’ll have:
- Information you can use right now to help your Orchid (and you!) get organized this summer
- Start building self-confidence and independence in your Orchid
- Strategies to help your Orchid work with (and not against) their own brains
We hope you’ll join us!!