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Ready to work on your parenting skills for neurodivergent kids?

For those of you who are new to us, welcome! And happy new year! For those of you who are OGs or have been along for the Orchid ride with us for some time, welcome back, and happy new year to you too! If you’ve got an Orchid Kid at home, you know that parenting is a big adventure. You are doing things a bit differently from other families you know.

We’ve got a community of folks who GET IT. They know what you’re going through, what you’re dealing with. And they know what you need.

Mostly what you need is to feel like you’re not being gaslighted by well-meaning professionals, friends and family members who try to be helpful but really end up making you feel terrible for your seeming inability to control your child.

Here’s reality, though. No one actually controls their child. Compliance-based parenting isn’t working for anyone, and it’s really not working for you. You know your child is more than a collection of frustrating things they do, but you’re not sure how to get to the good parts more of the time.

Our method works! Here’s why:

  • We teach you a different way in our Raising Orchid Kids classes.
  • We teach you how to really see and understand your child and why they do what they do.
  • We show you how to have your own back and approve of and own your parenting decisions.
  • We teach you how to begin to have a relationship with your child and not just with their behaviors.

In short, we show you the “how” of everything you need to know, so that everyone can have more relaxation and peace at home. Fewer meltdowns. More joy and more fun. Less stress.

If that sounds good–we know it does!–keep reading for a list of our 2025 offerings.

1. Practical strategies for parenting

Practical Strategies Class begins on January 23rd and runs for 8 Thursdays from 8:30-9:30pm Eastern (January 23 and 20, February 6, 13, 20 and 27, and March 6 and 13). It’s a chance to stop and reflect on your parenting adventure and what you might want to change. It’s a chance to meet with other families who are going through relatable situations. And, it’s a chance to get tailored, expert advice and coaching from Jen and Gabriele in a small, intimate group setting. For parents of kids ages 3(ish) to 12(ish).

2. Parenting Orchid Kids support group

Parenting Orchid Teens Support Group starts February 7th. This group is parents of Orchid kids ages 13(ish) to 18(ish) and runs every other week (mostly) for 6 sessions total on Fridays 12-1pm Eastern (February 7 and 21, March 7 and 21, and April 4 and 11). This group is a great space to find community and real, practical strategies and perspective shifts to meet the daunting challenge of ushering your Orchid Kid through adolescence.

3. Workshops for parenting in 2025

  • Thursday, February 27th from 12pm-1pm Eastern, Make and Take Workshop: Creating Routine Charts and Social Narratives (that you can use right away!)
  • Friday, May 16th from 12pm-1pm Eastern, Talking About the Birds & the Bees with Your Orchid Kid
  • Thursdays June 5, 12, 19 from 12pm-1pm Eastern, 3-part workshop series: Managing Siblings of Orchid Kids
  • Monday, October 20th from 12pm-1pm Eastern: Helping Orchid Kids Build Executive Functioning Skills
  • Monday, November 24th from 12pm-1pm Eastern, Thriving (Not Just Surviving!) During the Holidays with Orchid Kids

We look forward to seeing you soon! And if you have ideas for workshops you’d like us to host, please contact us.

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